It’s official. I’ll be teaching some continuing studies classes at the University of Victoria in 2021. All classes to be held on Zoom. Don’t miss out and get zooming at UVic!
They chose three of my classes for my first go around at teaching through UVic online.
Fast-Paced Novels
Four classes of two hours each.
The first is the Fast-Paced Novel. Thrillers, mystery, crime, drama, horror and many other genres rely on the tension and pace to move their fast-paced novels through to the end.
Writing novels like thrillers and mysteries require a fast pace combined with strong characters, believable situations and plenty of twists and turns. This four part course includes detailed handouts as well as in-class and take home assignments.
Learn how to foreshadow with clues, both false and real, as well as create strong heroes and villains. Students will learn how write in their true voice, how to create a sense of urgency, and how to give the reader a break. By the end of this course students should have a concrete timeline, strong characters, great locations and a solid plot.
Create Illustrated Children’s Books
Four classes of two hours each.
This course will assist participants in the creation of books for children aged one to eight. They can be fiction or non-fiction, read-aloud and/or early readers books.
Learn about plot, content, heroes and villains, and themes that are age appropriate for their readers. Learn how to use words efficiently and how to create a flow and rhythm that is pleasing to both children and adults.
There are in-class and take home assignments, as well as group discussions. Students will also learn about the publishing side of children’s books and if/when to use an illustrator.
Fabulous Fiction
Six classes of two hours each.
There are over 140 types of fiction. Learn which one’s best suit your ideas. From there it’s all about plots and subplots, outlines, POV, timelines, information dumps, character development, flow and pace.
These six classes have a trove of information to take your ideas from flop to fabulous. Interactive classes with in-class and take-home assignments that range from simple iambic pentameter to writing hooks and creating surreal settings.
By the end of the last class, students should have a solid understanding of what goes into their novel of choice, and how to create a novel that readers will love.
Classes should be on the website by mid November 2020.
If you have a class you’d like to see either through UVic or through Always Write directly, please email me.